
Reiki is the Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s. Reiki is administered by “laying on of hands” and techniques such as this have been practiced for thousands of years. Reiki is a very simple yet powerful technique that can be easily learned by anyone.

Reiki means universal life energy.  If your life energy is low, or if there is a restriction in it’s flow, you are more vulnerable to illness. When it is high, and flowing freely, you are less likely to get sick.

With reiki you bring balance back to the body through the Meridians and Chakras. The 7 main Chakras transform life energy into the various frequencies our system needs to keep us healthy. Meridians are the pathways that subtle energy flows through within the physical body. They contain energy points usually referred to as acupuncture points.


Shamanism is the earliest spiritual practice known to humankind, dating back tens of thousands of years. It has been practiced in all parts of the world throughout history. The practice of Shamanic Journeying helps us part the veils between the seen and unseen worlds and access information and energies that can help awaken us and restore us to wholeness.  A shaman is a man or woman who interacts directly with spirits to address the spiritual aspects of illness, perform soul retrievals, divine information, and help the spirits of deceased people cross over.

Michelle’s Energy Work

I incorporate both kinds of energy into my practice based on what I feel for that day. Not one energy session for me has ever been the same, even if I am seeing the same person. I do want to point out that energy work has nothing to do with religion for the person who is facilitating. The energy brought into the room is your energy coming from the source that you feel connected with so you can relax, feel comfortable and protected.

Energy work is extremely enlightening and when incorporated with a massage can be very relaxing.


Bars can be used to facilitate change in all areas of your life.  When you are willing to function from more consciousness you begin to open the doors to all healing.

A Bars session will last about 45 mins with you lying face up on a massage table.  You can stay fully clothed and the processes are done with the fingertips settled on 32 points on the head.  These points store all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, emotions and attitudes that you thought were important in any lifetime.  When you have your Bars run, it’s like hitting the delete button on your computer.

Basically, the Bars are the hard drive of your computer bank.  It’s literally the stuff you have stored lifetime after lifetime.  And what this does is it deletes the files so that those things are no longer in your file and they don’t just automatically come up.   The brain waves actually slow down when you get your Bars run allowing behavioral patterns, belief systems and points of view that you have been running from childhood or from other lifetimes to be accessed.  You actually start to become more present in your life and the past doesn’t project into your future the same way. By getting your Bars run you are literally changing the probabilities of future possibilities.

The Bars are about the body learning to receive.  True receiving is when the body is allowed to have choice about what you hold onto.  It is where you are willing to unlock this stuff that forces the body to only agree with what you’ve talked about.  True receiving is allowing your body to create other choices and other possibilities.  It is the willingness and the ability of the body to choose what it wants as a point of view.

I wonder how much change I can have?

I wonder how happy I can be?

Experiencing Awareness Series

I have started this series to go beyond just the energy work sessions that I have done in the past. During this series, you will be exploring the emotional connections that are guiding you in your life. Good or Bad we bring in the people, situations and experiences that we are surrounded by every day. If you feel that something needs to change, you’re at a crossroads, or a stirring has started that you are ready to grow – then now is the time.

This Series will start with an Energy Work Session then there will be 3 follow up appointments one week apart from each other. This is meant to be completed in a month, so come into it with accountability. If you have recently had energy work or you’re not comfortable with that yet we can take the First session to just visit.The path will be shown to us no matter what direction we go. The 3 follow up appointments will be talking and sharing about what you have been experiencing with going deeper each time.

We will be asking some hard questions, digging into those emotions that you have buried for a while, or maybe have no idea they are even there. If you have had energy work with me before you know I don’t sugar coat anything or beat around the bush. This is a deep exploration into your self that we will look at with honest reality. No BS, just facts. When you become aware of an emotion that has to change… it can be released. You can change your life, forgive that person or just enhance what you have already been working on. This is Energy Work 2.0, let’s go beyond the traditional session and really dig into the work.

Now please.. if you are not comfortable with an Energy Work Session, no worries, We will be guided no matter what path we take. That’s the great part of this series… it can only be exactly what you need because we are working with YOUR energy, not a textbook.

The cost is $310.00 for all 4 appointments and can be split up into 2 payments is that works better.

If you have any questions, call the office at 320-759-1448 or email me at or go to to just jump right in.

We understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life. In our desire to be effective and fair to all clients, the following policies are honored:

24-hour advance notice is required when canceling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to give us 24 hours advance notice you will be charged the full amount of your appointment. This amount must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment.

Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a “no-show.” They will be charged for their “missed” appointment.

Late Arrivals
If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending upon how late you arrive, your therapist will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you will be responsible for the “full” session. Out of respect and consideration to your therapist and other customers, please plan accordingly and be on time.

We look forward to serving you!

Energy Healing Circle

This class is for healers, those seeking healing and all who are curious about hands-on healing. Gather with those of like-mind in our spiritual community and use meditation as well as different healing modalities to create a space where we can receive inner peace and connection. Each person will have multiple opportunities for healing. Wear comfortable clothes. Class size is limited to 6 (evening session)

Reiki Classes With Michelle 

Classes to be scheduled individually:

Reiki I Classes

*This class is 4 hours in length and will come with a manual for the first and second attunement. We will go over the history of Reiki and how to practice on yourself and others.

Reiki II Classes

*This class will also be 4 hours in length to work on Distance healing and you will be given your second attunement. You are also given the symbols in writing so that you can practice using them.

Reiki III Classes

*This Class will vary in time depending on each participants history and what they will do with this certification moving forward.

Reiki Classes begin with your first attunement

All Reiki Classes are $120.00 which includes the attunements, practice, instruction and manual.

I have been practicing Reiki and other forms of energy work since 2006. I received my Certificate as a Reiki Master in the fall of 2009. I am very passionate about the effects of energy balancing as a part of the overall health of a person and believe that you can incorporate that balance into your everyday life on your own.


I have also added in Dowsing to my schedule. Dowsing is a process of using Dowsing Rods to move, remove or increase the energy in your space. This can be done in any space including your home, office, yard or business. I also take care of the GEO lines in the earth that pass thru these areas and explain the process as I go.

Dowsing along with a few Feng Shui pointers can really improve the energy of your space which then improves your energy and life!

Dowsing is $150.00 per space and the time will depend on the size of the area.